Seb, Kai, Marcia, Henry

Final class of 2015 – 18th century Lit.

Chiara in our new bathroom

Chiara 2

Yard sale

Paul sharing our yard sale space
A treat at the Kleinert-James gallery: a showing of ‘La Comare Secca,’ – the Grim Reaper – script by Pasolini, directed by Bertolucci (his best, reckoned his wife, and I agree), starring our friend Allen Midgette, glimpsed here in close-up, beyond the popcorn machine lent by Lenny B., along with his wine. He forced 4 glasses on me during the film, and I tottered down the hill to the pizza parlor to watch the Women’s World Cup Final. Arrived 17 minutes late, US had already scored 4 goals. 17 minutes gone and the game was over.

Allen in The Grim Reaper
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