Our tree, with its creators

Temple entrance

Temple, early light
Our tree, with its creators
Temple entrance
Temple, early light
Phil, sober
Food! Drunk!
Our waitress
2015! When I was a teenager I would have doubted that I would make it to 2015, let alone be swimming a mile every morning before breafast. The Y in Kingston is my home from home. My photos make it seem less ancient and ramshackle than it in fact is, with many defects in walls and floors and elsewhere. New showers (not shown) are a big advance, but much remains to be repaired in the Men’s locker room. The good parts about the Y are the pool itself, always the right temperature, and the steam room (likewise – the total fog in the photo is true to the steam room on first entry, which affords no idea who or how many are present), and the companionship.
The steam room
Our locker room, deserted at 6:45 am
I’m in the habit of doing my Buddhist prayers in the fog of the steam room. ‘What’s that noise?’ someone enquired, genuinely puzzled, last week. I grinned in secret, kept reciting, and no one answered.
Heading for the pool
The pool in all its majesty
The mess
Stylish in the subway
Some books from Dr. Cicero
My new see
John at work
With Cardinal Kelly and Uncle Peter, our Patriarch