Yes, it’s… like a space flight, really. All personnel stand down. Temporarily. We had thought, with the burst of summery heat and sunshine in the past 2 days, that good weather would at last be on the way, with a vengeance, after the worst winter on record. But no, the last laugh belongs to the weather. Storms expected up and down the eastern seaboard and into the Appalachians. With any luck we’ll be on our way on Saturday May 17…

On my Road King
Poised, like a sprinter in the blocks – well, no, more like a marathon runner way at the back of the pack waiting to shuffle forwards into action, here I am on my beloved steed, with my red-roofed home in the background. Joe comes in from Australia on Wednesday and I’ll be meeting him and accompanying him up to Woodstock, where several days of sorting, comparing and packing equipment await us. Then back to Brooklyn for my final days of Spring Semester teaching, then once more home to Woodstock and – the following morning: departure! We have couchsurfing hosts awaiting us – those of you who know naught of couchsurfing, proceed directly to and discover how to travel inexpensively, no need to pay for accommodation in this day & age!- in Pottsville, Pennsylvania and in Baltimore, before we hit the mountains and the forests, en route to Northern Mississippi, where further couchsurfing hosts and a pilgrimage to Rowan Oak, Faulkner’s home, form our port of call at the end of week 1. Watch this space for more news.
- On my Road King