Bike Odyssey 2014 – May 24 2014 – Farewell to Raccoon Campground
Today would have been my mother’s 100th birthday. (The Germans are celebrating dutifully, with articles in all the newspapers, and a new book, to which I’ve contributed.) Not a famous night: ground too pebbly and hard for even my worthy sleeping pad; night arias by Joe reached a pitch at 3:40 am; our whole pitch is on an antheap (thanks, Raccoon guys) – nice big glossy friendly black ants, nothing against ’em but they’re everywhere in our baggage, and some will now visit many states of the union. Off via Georgia to Birmingham, AL, by US 11, which thankfully runs all the way next to the crowded Interstate. Drivers are even more reckless here, it seems, than in the north. We’re taking it slow, on little roads. Determined to get the fire going that kept fading last night despite the repeated doses of methylated spirits he poured on it, Joe – who requires a fire – has succeeded in getting it going nicely this morning.