You got it. June gloom days. Attempt the Pacific Coast Highway, if at all, with many layers of clothing, and prepared to see almost nothing. When it’s a hundred degrees or more inland, this heat sucks moisture off the sea in the form of a cold fog. Anyone see John Carpenter’s The Fog? (I know; there’s a remake; never saw it.) Like that, only without the pirates. And with cold. We saw it coming in the distance (photo, left). By the time we reached Morro Bay you couldn’t see the tops of the Morro Bay power plant’s smokestacks. Hearst would never have built San Simeon if he’d first seen the coast this way.


Mission San Miguel
I felt the thrill, setting out this morning, of the engine’s roar and the freedom of choosing a place on the road. A child-sense of freedom. Added to this, at high speed in racing traffic, taking delight in poise and grit – something of war in it.
Today’s meditation, an odd one but born perhaps of crossing the continent. America as a classroom. At the front, the smart kids. At the back, the cool kids. Lumpen America in the middle. Picture it as geography: the cool kids go West, are the West, Californian. The smart kids head East, are the East, New Yorkers. And the Jews own both Hollywood and New York. How does this look, from the middle of the class?
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