Mulholland Drive

…Pismo Beach
Instead: Pismo. Sounds like a contraction of Pepto-Bismol. Pismo Beach. Must be a delightful place in summer. Oh wait, it is summer. But it’s freezing – freezing – cold. One of those glorious quirks of American weather (I learnt all about crazy weather when teaching in Texas). Joe and I confessed to being colder today riding up the Pacific Coast than we had been during the entire trip, including the infamous ‘Big Meadows’ night in the Blue Ridge mountains, when the temperature fell into the 30s Fahrenheit. The guilty party was an icy fog off the sea, creating a strip of micro-climate which vanished as you went inland; nonetheless, wet-suited surfers by the hundred had flocked to the ocean, to be sure not to waste a weekend. We juddered our way up to San Luis Obispo, and shrank from the prospect of putting up a tent with freezing fingers. Tomorrow… God willing… on the famous Highway 1 section up through Big Sur and Carmel, the weather will give us a break. We keep hearing about how it’s 106 degrees in Northern California. We already did 106; 110 in fact; couldn’t we have a nice moderate climate, please?

more Pismo

Pismo Thai – excellent…
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